
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Menu for August 28-Sept 2

It's been a busy past week and a half and I didn't get a chance to post new content. I do have pictures of meals I took last week that I need to type up. We didn't go grocery shopping until today, used quite a bit of coupons. After we got home we did some prep work with the vegetables so I just have to dump in to pots. We are using left over chicken from Monday's meal.

Tortellini Primavera with Pesto Sauce

High Roast Chicken with Potatoes (was suppose to be last week's meal)

We had frozen pizza because I was gone for most of the day

Chicken Enchiladas (featured in this blog)

Chicken Noodle Soup

Outdoor Grilled Cheese Sandwich with Pesto and Tomatoes (Curtis Stone recipe off of

I have a bunch of tomatoes that I need to use so I'm hoping that I can get spaghetti sauce made this week. Do you have produce that you need to start using up before it goes bad? Remember fresh produce that you get locally does not last as long as store produce. I'm hoping that I can make Apple Butter here soon. I make in the crockpot so I need to find my recipe. Advice for the week, don't eat a carrot after handling a jalenpeno. Make you wash your hands after handling any chili otherwise it's painful. Thanks goodness for Popsicles.

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