
About Me

I read on a food blogger site that people will respond better to your blog if there is an "About Me" section. It gives people that connection and makes me a real person. I'm a real girl (Pinochle reference).
Who am I?
Hello, How are you? I'm Erin. I'm from Northern Iowa, not the east coast or Pennsylvania. I don't ride a tractor.
I'm just an amateur cook who got bored making the same meals. I'll try to get you what tips I have learned on the way. You won't believe how much a college student will watch Food Network, well back when Food Network was cool to watch like 8 years ago.  America's Test Kitchen is the new school for me. I have learned so much from them, well, when they're giving out free advice. They do have a lot of videos that contain very informational topics. I follow them on facebook.
I don't have a cutesy name for my husband. It's either Barry or husband, maybe man eater.
My Kitchen?
My kitchen is not always tidy but it has what I need to make some great dishes. It's not small and it's not big and it's not red, but some weird salmon pink color. Plenty of counter space and oak cupboards, just not a enough natural light.
My camera?
I don't have the right camera to take pictures. It's just a point and shot. Will I upgrade? I want too, just don't know what I want. I don't always have natural light to make my food look awesome. Sometimes I don't always remember to wipe the plate clean before I take the pictures. I am learning though and trying to get better.
My Food?
I make practical food that will allow leftovers. We usually do eat the food being made. My husband is my guinea pig, he's been such a trooper eating tomatoes and zuchinni. I sometimes don't always like the dish I make and try think how I would make it different the next time. I try not to buy expensive grocery items, but we all like to splurge once in awhile. I like to use bacon, butter and cheese. (I do work out)
We don't have lady fingers here, which makes it hard to make tiramisu. I suppose that isn't all bad, its good for my waistline.

I do like brand name kitchen gadgets. I find them sexy. I need a dutch oven and fine mesh sieve. Oh, and a nerd in other senses.
Are you Italian?
I pretend that I'm Italian even though I'm 100% German descendant.
Are you a garlic farmer?
I wish....
Can I follow you anywhere else?
Not right now, subscribe! RSS feed, all that good stuff. DO IT
Writing Style?
My writing style is choppy and hurts my sister's soul to read. The blog is still a work in progress, you'll see things change and move around and disappear. Probably because I didn't know what I was doing.
Wish List
Fine Mesh Sieve
Dutch Oven