
Friday, August 12, 2011

Ahhh August

Since my last post in March, I realized the way I blogging was not for me. I looked at some food blogs over the past few months and they post bigger photos with less writing which seems to work. I haven't stopped making simple food or taking pictures. I have a large library of photos of food in my collection. I decided I'm not going to edit them either, only if they really need it. If I want to get more post out then I need to do it easier and faster. We'll see what happens. My uncle is more faithful to his blog then me. He's into woodworking and a handyman of sorts. I also changed my title of my blog. I haven't looked at my recipe box since we organized it. Barry and I work similar hours now and maybe we can make some suppers with it. I just didn't want to advertise an idea that I couldn't produce. I'll still keep the web address the same kind of a tribute to my Grandma.
August, despite it being my birthday month, I don't think I fully appreciated it till now. I'm starting to get whole bunch of fresh produce, despite the late growing season. I got zuchinni, cucumbers, kohlrabies and tomatoes from my mom and dad. We also dug up the garlic.We normally dig up the garlic in July but the stalks weren't brown enough. My soft necks are puny and will probably make garlic oil with. My hard necks did well and had some nice size bulbs. They are drying out at my parent's acreage. My bell peppers, on the other hand, did not like the weather we had this summer. They have blooms on but I probably won't have any until November ;).   Barry and I also had some really good sweet corn from my uncle's plot. We froze a bunch of bags to use this winter.  I'm starting to get tomatoes. I planted my tomato plants in a different area this year. I made a small garden and the tomatoes took over. I've never had the plants get so big. It's like a little jungle in the corner. I have a bunch of tomatoes on the vine, but they are slowly turning. I've picked 5 so far. I have 4 in the house that will be ripening. I did that so bugs wouldn't get into them. It would be nice to have more so I can making sauces. My basil looks really good. I only had 2 plants grow from the 2 rows that I planted. I had to buy some more and they look really good.
So what am I going to do with all this produce. I used some today in making chili. I've been making creamy salads with the cucumbers. I plan on making zucchini french fries. The tomatoes, I like to make chili starter and spaghetti sauce. The garlic will get used the next coming months. You can use garlic with anything you put onion in. I'll do an article with my experience with garlic. The kohlrabies you just like an apple, peel and slice away. I think you could slice them up and maybe use for stir fry? They may give you interesting burps. Just saying...  

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